An excerpt from Football’s Principles of Play by Peter Prickett. Pressure/Pressing Thus far, pressure and pressing have featured as a part of out-of-possession and transition principles. The amount of pressure that the player in-possession is placed under will influence the game to a huge degree. It has been identified that…
Category: Uncategorised
From: Put It On The Windowsill: An Italian-American Family Memoir by Marcia Brennan. Wipe the Floor With It! In the tailor shop in Calabria, where my grandfather learned the trade, the Master Tailor was known for having a bad temper. As an apprentice in the shop, Grandpa not only learned…
High School Coaching
Chapter 2 from Building A Successful High School Sports Program Why Not Build a Program? As coaches, we often take over teams not knowing whether we’ll be there next season or two years from now. That is the nature of our profession; the volatility of the coaching environment, better opportunities,…
3v3 Football Training Exercises | Soccer
Forward Runs The goalkeeper serves to the side of his goal with two players. The receiving player feeds into the target player on the halfway line. The two players without the ball make forward runs beyond the target player. The solo player moves to receive a pass that has been…
Pep Guardiola Soccer Coaching | Agustin Peraita
Once every decade or so, a team emerges that amazes the world. And, once a generation, a team emerges that creates a new era in football. The new era leads to revolutionary tactics and ideas that break with the ‘status quo’ of the game and which drive new schools of…
B2B Sales Strategy | Unique Offering
An excerpt from 10.4 Interactions DEMONSTRATING YOUR UNIQUE OFFERING Our offer becomes compelling when we create the desire for change KEEP THE PRODUCT IN THE BAG If I think back to my time learning to sell, there was one tactic that we were always told to rely on. ‘Get the…
Soccer and Football Team Building
In this excerpt from Togetherness, we look at a team's badge or logo Our Badge Nothing exemplifies a club’s identity more than the badge. Clubs typically have badges at their inception. It may have changed over the course of history but, ultimately, it Represents “us”. It represents us in the…
Italian-American History | Little Italy
An excerpt from: Italianita. Click on the cover to learn more Life in Little Italy The stereotype of Little Italy is based on what these neighborhoods were during the diaspora. The idealized images of this time are of happy immigrants, children playing stickball, and laundry hanging on lines stretched between…
Football Refereeing – Game Management
Click on the cover to learn more. Game management is the use of two things. First, the use of effective communication skills in order to positively influence the game. These communication skills have been identified as gaze, posture, movement, and verbal explanation.[i] The ability to do these things efficiently is…
Self-help books for women
In today’s world, there seems to be a plethora of advice on every subject from a thousand-and-one resources. Self-help has exploded across blogs, personal websites, Facebook groups, and beyond. Yet, one format is still the gold standard when it comes to meaningful, coherent, properly-researched, and genuinely helpful information for self-improvement.…