Chapter 15 from Coaching Youth Football: What Soccer Coaches Can Learn From The Professional Game * * * * * The true measure of a technical player is how they resolve a game situation by deciding on a tactical intention and the necessary technique, executing in the correct moment and…
So, You Want To Be A Writer (Let’s Get Started)
An excerpt from So, You Want to be a Writer by Ian Carroll (author of The Quantity Surveyor’s Bible, Israel and Palestine: The Complete History, Champions Again: The Story of Liverpool’s 30-Year Wait for the Title, and So, You Want to be a Writer? (as well as many plays!)) *…
Italian-American History
An excerpt from Italianità: The Essence of Being Italian and Italian-American by William Giovinazzo * Chapter 5: What is an Italian? Hath Not an Italian-American Eyes I am an Italian-American. Hath not an Italian-American eyes? Hath not an Italian-American hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food,…
Chapter 3 – Salazar the Dictator
An excerpt from Wolfram Wars by Rod Ashley * Portugal’s story during these years is also the story of its leader, Dr Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. How could one man wield so much influence and what factors shaped his character, ideals and, ultimately, his actions? This chapter will analyse the…
What is Golf Psychology?
An excerpt from Golf Tough by Dan Abrahams. * My world is the psychology of golf. It’s thinking, it’s feeling, it’s focus. It’s laying down the right performance processes to help you manage your golfing attitude on and off the course. It’s forming the mini behaviours that elicit success under…
What happened to the band Traffic?
An excerpt from the acclaimed book Tragic Magic: The Life of Traffic’s Chris Wood by Dan Ropek CHAPTER 25 - THE BEGINNING OF THE END There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection. To round itself out, life calls not for perfection but completeness; and for…
Liverpool’s Role in the US Civil War
Liverpool in the 1860s Unlike the rest of Britain, Liverpool’s population and economic status plummeted after World War Two. Go back 80 years further, though, and you have Britain’s second great metropolis, thriving off King Cotton and still benefitting hand-over-fist from the transatlantic slave trade. In modern terms, it would…
Foreign Failures: Reasons Football Coaches Fail Abroad
An excerpt - by Blaine McKenna - from Chapter 8 of: * It’s not easy moving to a place where you don’t understand the culture, language, or local game. It’s no surprise that coaches who move abroad often fail. We’ve all seen it over the years with a high turnover…
Mindfulness in Sport – Exercises
The things we talk about in this book are all aimed at helping us to perform better. Mindfulness is one of the tools we can use to do this. We have alluded elsewhere that there are different forms of mindfulness, and different therapies and schools of thought that tend to…
North Korea – On The Inside, Looking In [excerpt]
Introduction The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.They have a world to win. The Manifesto of the Communist Party It was the era of the Celtic Tiger in Ireland and Irish people were no longer travelling only to the United Kingdom and the United States to emigrate. Tiger…