Category: History

Yasser Arafat

Yasser Arafat – Mr Palestine

From the acclaimed book: [caption id="attachment_1133" align="aligncenter" width="200"] Click On The Cover For More Details[/caption] * Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo to Palestinian parents on the 24th of August 1929, the fifth son of a businessman. Arafat is the place of a holy shrine near Mecca and was the…

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Churchill versus Hitler Book Cover

Adolf Hitler Quotes

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." "As lunatics like that drunkard Churchill and Maccabeans and numskulls like that brilliantined dandy Eden are at the helm we’ve to be prepared for just about anything!" "The very first essential for success is…

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Churchill versus Hitler Book Cover

Winston Churchill Quotes

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject." At a dinner with Churchill, Ribbentrop had said that, in a future war with Britain, Germany would have the Italians on its side.  Churchill, referring to Italy’s poor record in the First World War, responded with…

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Hitler’s views on the British Empire to 1924

Hitler never visited Britain or any part of the British Empire[*]. He knew essentially no English, though this did not stop him holding the opinions that “the English language lacks the ability to express thoughts that surpass the order of concrete things”, and that English spelling was hopelessly unphonetic[1]. According…

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