Scientific Approaches to Goalkeeping Age-Specific Book Andy Elleray

Scientific Approaches to Goalkeeping in Football: Age-Specific Goalkeeper Development

Scientific Approaches to Goalkeeping in Football

In this latest publication from goalkeeping specialist Andy Elleray, the goalkeeper’s position is looked at through an age-specific lens. Looking deeper than the traditional 4-corner approach, the book covers a variety of topics, such as: innovative player support, the latest in performance analysis platforms, age-appropriate training practices, and female player development. Numerous player case studies and 30 ready-to-run practices are also included in this full-colour book.

Young people learn and develop in different ways and at varying rates – depending on factors such as age, genetics, and environment. This book seeks to provide useable blueprints for goalkeeping development, and the overall intention is to provide a meticulous and comprehensive guide to working with goalkeepers across different age groups and with differing levels of ability.

All the methods of support and player development have been used not just at the highest level of youth international and professional football, but also with amateur and grassroots players.

Andy Elleray is the author of: Scientific Approaches to Goalkeeping in Football (1st and 2nd editions), 101 Goalkeeper Training Practices, 65 Goalkeeper Training Exercises, and 50 More Goalkeeping Training Exercises.

Author: Andy Elleray

Published June 23 2020 | ISBN-13: 978-1-910773-75-8 | Paperback

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Book Categories: Andy Elleray, Goalkeeping, Soccer and Soccer Coaching Books.