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Bernard Shevlin Short Stories

10-Minute Treats: Seventeen Short Stories

10-minute short stories

Diverse, stimulating, and wonderfully succinct, 10-Minute Treats is a compelling collection of 17 short stories from debutant author Bernard Shevlin. Covering genres including Crime, Science Fiction, Comedy, and Adventure, 10-Minute Treats offers the reader a number of evocative, thought-provoking, and plain entertaining tales that can be read in (or around) 10 minutes.

From The Final Shadow’s examination of our place in the Universe to a Frat boy’s scheming in The Door, the book presents an intriguing and satisfying selection of tales for the reader. Other tales include a master techno-criminal’s final hurrah in The Last Job, the very boring man who becomes the life and soul of the party in A Funny Turn, and The Recruit, where a University Professor who manipulates his students for sex meets his match.

Author: Bernard Shevlin

ISBN: 978-1-910773-51-2 | Published 12 May 2017 | 180 pages | Paperback £7.99 | eBook £5.99

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